Feel better ...(Neale)

that it is nice to let someone who admits an error

feel better after doing so... not feel worse.


If someone comes to you with an apology, or even just a

small, "Oops...", think about what you might say to help them

feel okay about their lapse, rather than telling them all the

reasons why it really inconvenienced you, or made

you look bad, or disserved you.


You will yearn for the same grace some day...

Love, Your Friend....


Kedvenc képeim

Stresszoldás One Brain módszerrel a III. és XVI. kerületben

Balajthy Gréta Tel: 06 309 323 338

A 3in1Concepts által hivatalosan  meghatalmazott,
nemzetközi okleveles Haladó Konzulens, Haladó Instructor ( Oktató)

Okleveleim, tanáraim 2004-2014

Email: mosoly100@mosoly100.hu


Stúdió: Budapest, III.ker (1036) és XVI.ker (1164)

